Sunday, December 20, 2009

My Mom's last Devotional

With the Christmas season upon us, I have been thinking about my Mom.

Here is the devotional she had read the morning that she died.

She left it on the couch for us to find.

At the time we continued to pray for her healing.

However, I think my mom came to terms with the fact that her healing

would be a healing of the inner heart and that her physical healing

would be when she stood before Christ. The devotional is a bit old

school in its writing, but definitely still has something to say to me.

(Sorry about the spacing...not sure what happened.)

I have learned,

to be content whatever the circumstances.

Philippians 4:11

Your present situation may not be to your liking.

Perhaps you are dissatisfied and discouraged.

Put the matter in God’s hands. If He wants you elsewhere,

He will lead you there, providing you are

amenable to His will.

But perhaps He wants you where you are.

In that case He will help you to adjust to the situation.

He will make you content, even grateful for present opportunities.

Learn the great art of doing the best

you can, with what you have, where you are.

When you do this, you learn how to reach a better condition

or how to make your present situation a better one.


  1. Thank you, Terri, for joining my blog and posting this devotional. Being flexible about where Christ is taking me can, at times, be overwhelming. Today I was encouraged by your post, thanks.
