Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Recovering From My Regret.

So looks like I will be keeping the Flannel set. It is big and will work nicely. Anyone know where I can perchase a large inexpensive portfolio bag?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


The entire Bible on flannel arrived today for Artisan Kids. Yup, that's right I like to kick it old school when it comes to teaching biblical principles. Anyway, I ordered the larger of the two sizes. Sadly I am regreting it now... where am I going to store it? Anyone want to buy a brand new Large Delux Betty Lukens Bible on Flannel?

I am envisioning poor little sweet Elijah and Eva sitting listening to the Bible story while their eyes bug out from it's gigantic size. I will have to tell these kids "Back up" as adults do all the time to their children watching a big screen TV.

I will also need to purchase a huge portfolio bag to carry the 3 huge flannel boards that came with the set. The cardboard backs of the huge boards are not made for this Vancouver weather. Yikes! What was I thinking!! Would be great if you have a building or on site storage. Alas we have neither.

Good Canadian Beaver Tail

While in Ottawa at the beginning of September, I had my first ever Beaver Tail. It was quite the experience. There was only one place in town that we new of that sold them. It was a cute little street shack vendor. Every time we walked by this place there was a lengthy line up, mid-morning all the way til late at night.
We joined the line when
we could endure the yummy smell of deep fryed death no longer and ordered our first ever Beav
er Tail. If you have never had one... basically a very flat doughnut shaped like a beaver's tail and slathered with all kinds of different topping options. We opted for the classic cinnamon and sugar topping.

We slapped down our $7 for two and
took a bite. IT WAS SOOO GOOD! (I also love a great bag of mini doughnuts at fairs and theme parks. This was the same only different in shape.) In fact it was so good that we came back for another one the next evening after a walking tour.

Beaver Tails ... a great Canadian way to soak the tourist for as much as possible. :)

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Fabulous Five

We were just in the Nations Capital the first week of September for my brothers wedding. So many things to write about. However, I choose to write first about the ‘Fabulous Five’.

On our first day in Ottawa we went to parliament hill to do a self guided tour around the grounds. Maybe it is having been in many different countries in Europe or maybe it was me, just getting older and more sentimental, but it was a very enjoyable time. We walked around the grounds looking at the monuments of different important people in Canada’s history.

The monument that was extremely emotional for me was of 5 women communing over tea. It was “The Persons Case”. The Persons Case is a legal history milestone in Canada. Five women from Alberta, known as the Famous Five, asked the Supreme Court of Canada to declare that women were persons under the law; after the Supreme Court turned them down, they appealed to the British Privy Council. The Privy Council found for the women on October 18, 1929, declaring that women were persons under the law. Jone Johnson Lewis

I have to admit that I did get a bit emotional taking this sight in. I have these 5 women to thank for my right to vote, and my right to be a person. I just can’t imagine not being seen as a person. Yet, in our world still women are treated as less human and not as persons.

This takes me to today. I watched a documentary called “Daughter’s of Afghanistan” This looks at the mistreatment of women and children in Afghanistan. Canadian Journalist Sally Armstrong follows four women and one girl as they hope for the day of liberation. I pray that the Daughter’s of Afghanistan find their ‘fabulous five’, and I pray that it would be soon!