Thursday, December 31, 2009

Skating at Robson Square

We went to Robson Square skating yesterday. A very fun, interesting and enjoyable time. Such a small rink and so many people. Not usually my favorite mix. Yet, I found myself enjoying my time in cramped quarters. Maybe it was the company or maybe the festive mood we were in.

Many of the skaters seemed to be new ones. Possibly never skated before yet, there they were falling on their backsides as they carry their expensive cameras ready to get a good "action shot". For some the only action shot for them ended up pictures of the roof as they landed hard flailing to not drop the camera.

All in all, people seemed to be kind hearted with good will to others. Definately a reconmended activity.

I Found Waldo.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

My Mom's last Devotional

With the Christmas season upon us, I have been thinking about my Mom.

Here is the devotional she had read the morning that she died.

She left it on the couch for us to find.

At the time we continued to pray for her healing.

However, I think my mom came to terms with the fact that her healing

would be a healing of the inner heart and that her physical healing

would be when she stood before Christ. The devotional is a bit old

school in its writing, but definitely still has something to say to me.

(Sorry about the spacing...not sure what happened.)

I have learned,

to be content whatever the circumstances.

Philippians 4:11

Your present situation may not be to your liking.

Perhaps you are dissatisfied and discouraged.

Put the matter in God’s hands. If He wants you elsewhere,

He will lead you there, providing you are

amenable to His will.

But perhaps He wants you where you are.

In that case He will help you to adjust to the situation.

He will make you content, even grateful for present opportunities.

Learn the great art of doing the best

you can, with what you have, where you are.

When you do this, you learn how to reach a better condition

or how to make your present situation a better one.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

God's Face in Unexpected Places

Went to an interesting Christmas party the other night!

I got to hang out with such beautiful, kind and caring people. Friends who truly are teaching me to look past all exterior faces. Friends who can truly love unconditionally. These friends continue to teach me to look past, past the addiction, past the homelessness and into the heart of Jesus. To see the face of God in all people, all his creation speak of him through their beauty.

As I watch helplessly as a woman I have grown to love and appreciate is so strung out on God knows what, I can't help but to be saddened. To cry in pain for her, to long for her to understand that God really does love her and that she was the reason he was born into this world. He died, so that SHE might live. It is sad to see a person not understanding that they are worth everything. I do not understand addiction I have never had one, with the exception of Slurpee's in the summer time. Come on though, WAAAY different. I realize the amazingly full life that my loving family has provided me with, helping and forming me to make wise decisions. I thank God for this and then I wonder, how can it be fair that I have such a supporting and caring family and so many others do not. Is it truly just the luck of the draw or has God for some unknown reason predetermined the path we each walk down? I understand that we have all been given free choice. However, free choice seems easier to handle had you a supportive family. I do not have answers for this.

God's unconditional love is shown, as I continue to look on and see friends surround and support her. Lovingly talking with her and walking her home. This is how God extends His Love, Hope and Grace to every person. God's grace does not discriminate between class, gender, sexuality or even soberness. It does not matter what you have done or are doing. You are invited! He really does want the best for each of us. I pray that I will hear his best for me. That I will love unconditionally and be gracious and compassionate just as I long to have the same shown to me.

As these new friends continue to help me grow in understanding of who God is, I pray that I am doing the same for them. Showing beauty, kindness, and care to those I meet in all that I do. That my life would convey the Grace, Hope, Peace and Love that I have grown so accustom to receiving. May many receive these unconditional gifts that are extended to all people this Christmas season and may you see God's face in unexpected places.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Could you help me name these sweet hearts?

Here are the puppets that sadly still need homes. They also still need names. Can you help me out by leaving a comment and giving any of these puppets a name? (Thanks Hilary for the great pictures.)

#1 $40

#2 $50

This guy is so soft but is going through a bit of an awkward phase.



#7 $40 SALE

#8 $50

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Expanding my family only to send them off

So I have been busy the last little while expanding my puppet family. I will be in a craft fair this weekend (Dec. 6) in Port Moody called Klahanie Holiday Market here is where it will be from 12 until 4pm. So I needed to have some stock. I will be selling my puppets, cards and pouches/make-up bags that I make. There is something about creating that I absolutely love. The hope is that I can sell some of these to support my habit.
The small ones are selling for $40 and the larger ones for $50. I shipped items as well costs about $8-$10 to ship.

I have been using a puppet I made for about 10 years now. I looove him and so have all of my classes in the past.
I gave a puppet to my youngest nephew for his birthday this past year. His Dad has a hay day putting on shows for Little "E". While I do not recommend these puppets for use of children under 4, parents seem to enjoy letting loose with their dramatic side to make their children smile, laugh and giggle.
This blue aphro really makes me laugh.

Anyway, a few people have been asking to see what I am making so I thought I would update anyone who is interested.

By the way, can you help me name these puppets. I would love to hear what names you come up with. Please be creative! :)